The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) are organized as Divisions of the Society to enhance individual career. These divisions are to be self funded and build capacity within itself that provide benefits to members within specialized fields of interest. Memberships enable you stay current within your chosen technology profession, keep in touch with your peers, and invest in your career through publications, conferences, and building technical communities.
Among which are;
The Nigerian Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (NIEEE) is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows (FNIEEE), Corporate Members (MNIEEE) for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members (AMNIEEE) to Student Members (SMNIEEE).
The Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers (NIMechE) is the Mechanical Division of The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). The Institution has full standing authority as derived from the Articles of Association of The Nigerian Society of Engineers and is not a parallel body to the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)
Engr. Abdulrahman Mohammed, FNSChE. – Chairman, Chemical Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure
Engr. Olaniyan Yetunde, MNSE.Chairperson Association of Professional Women Engineers in Nigeria (APWEN) is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure
Automotive Engineers Institute Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure
Institute Of Appraisal & Cost Engineering Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure comprising of the National body, and the Chapters.
Nigerian Institution Of Civil Engineers (Nice) Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure comprising of the National body, and the Chapters
Nigerian Institution Of Structural Engineer (Nistruct.E) Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure
Petroleum Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure
Nigeria Institution Of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members.
Marine Engineering & Naval Architecture Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure.
Metallurgical, Mining & Materials Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure.
Nigeria Institution Of Geotechnical Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure
Highway Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure comprising of the National body, and the Chapters
Industrial Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure
Nigeria Institution Of Space Engineering Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure
Nigerian institution of Water Division is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members. The Institution has an organizational structure
Nigerian institution of Power Engineers is a division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE). It was established after NSE Divisions evolved into Institutions. Its membership ranges from Fellows, Corporate Members for degree holders (HND + PGD), Associate Members to Student Members.